Responsibility is no longer an option

Written by Dinolift | Apr 21, 2022 8:30:51 AM

Shaping a company’s direction is more important than ever before. We sat down with Managing Director Karin Nars, who opened up on what 2022 has in store.


“The values of owners must manifest in the company operations,” says Karin Nars, Managing Director at Dinolift. “Responsibility, trust, safety and justice have always been in Dinolift’s DNA. It’s a constant, solid base where everything we do stems from.”

For Dinolift, the long-term goals are firmly rooted in the values of its owners. Its 5-year strategy is updated every year according to changes in the operational environment. The themes this year are heavily focused around environmental, social and governance (ESG) questions.

Improving sustainability and material flow 

Reducing the environmental impact created in the production of MEWPs has always been a critical part of the Dinolift strategy. Being awarded both the ISO 14001 Environmental Certificate and ISO 9001 Quality Certificate is proof that the company is constantly making small improvements to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase resource efficiency.

“Our factory renovation, which will be completed this spring, is a huge step forward. The goal is to make the material flow more efficient, renew the heating system to use biofuels and reduce wasted energy in our welding operations,” Nars says. “Decreasing the environmental burden created by the production process meant optimising the facilities and making all the processes smarter, while creating the same or even better results.”

To optimise the utilisation of MEWPs and help rental companies to improve their fleet sustainability, Dinolift will start leveraging telematics in 2022. Telematics provides a solution for rental companies to proactively track machine location and make the overall use of the machines more efficient. Another new development is the refurbishment of old MEWPs that Dinolift has bought from rental companies.

“Right now, we’re creating a process that will allow us to make a proper business activity out of selling overhauled machines. This is a new arena for us, but we have solid experience with factory repairs and making sure the machines are safe to operate.”


The OneDINO strategy promotes a collaborative work environment, in which there's zero tolerance for harassment and bullying.
Photo credit: Dinolift

Cathing issues early 

Nars is very aware that without people, companies cannot function. As a result, Dinolift launched its OneDINO strategy to promote equality and inclusivity.

“It is easy to say ‘this is how we do things’, but the way we handle those issues matters the most,” Nars points out. “If we say something and do something else, trust is lost. This is why we need to address issues right away and in a proper manner.”

In 2022, Dinolift will take the bull by the horns and tackle social issues by organising development discussions with every single one of its employees. The possibility for short-term therapy will also be added to the occupational health care plan.

“We realised that our methods to track and measure employee satisfaction and wellbeing weren’t enough. These actions will create a positive loop that generates better practices in the future.”

Mina Lim joined Dinolift as a Digital Marketing Specialist in November 2021. As a new employee, she has been impressed with the openness within the firm.

“It was almost like a cultural shock when I had the development discussion with my managers. I was told that this was a safe space to talk, express concerns or mention anything that was on my mind,” says Lim, who hails from South Korea where company culture can be stiff and strong hierarchies persist.


Mina Lim is happy to work for a company that is always ready to transform and innovate.
Photo credit: Dinolift 


Space for innovations and change 

While continuously looking to improve, there are many things in place the company feels proud of. Dinolift is an avid supporter of local sports teams and the community in Loimaa at large. And taking care of the employees has always been a priority.

The focus on improving existing practices and promoting innovation is a big deal for the new recruit. In fact, it was one of the main reasons she decided to apply for the job in the first place.

“In my previous positions, I would mostly stay passive in meetings. At Dinolift, I’m always given the opportunity to express my new ideas and suggestions. Despite being a newbie, I have already been able to implement my ideas. It’s great for the employees to have an opportunity to grow within the company and as an individual,” Lim concludes.